Upcoming Cafés
Spring 2025The Next Café is March 11, 2025, 4:30 - 6:00 pm
Dear Café Goers,
Spring 2025 Café Scientifique at Clyde's Gastropub
- Where: Clyde's Gastropub (on the UCCS campus)
- When: Tuesday, March 11, 4:30 - 6:00 pm
- Featuring: Dr. Helen Davies, Asst. Prof. and Co-Director for the Center for Research Frontiers in the Digital Humanities
- Title: "Old Texts, New Worlds: Uncovering Lost Texts with Multispectral Imaging"
- Abstract: Old scrolls and parchments can hide monumental insights - if only we can decipher their ghostly traces. Learn how researchers harness the magic of multiple light wavelengths and full spectrum cameras to expose the hidden or missing words behind the wear. This talk reveals how cutting-edge imaging transforms the barely legible into a treasure trove of long-lost tales.
Funding for the Colorado Springs Café Scientifique provided by the UCCS Administration and Finance Team