Previous Cafés
- November - cancelled - COVID-19
- September - cancelled - COVID-19
- April - cancelled - COVID-19
- February - Diep Dao “Data Science for Social Science Research"
- November - Christine Siddoway “Tavakaiv Quartzite: An uncommon rock record of ‘Snowball Earth’ times, preserved on the flanks of Pikes Peak”
- September - Kyle Anne Nelson "Never Settle: Refugees as the New American Pioneers and Lessons for U.S. Resettlement Policy”
- April - Colin Wren "Using computer modelling to find 100,000‐year‐old food on the South African Palaeoscape”
- February - Dr. Alberto Giordano “The Spaces and Places of the Holocaust: Reflections on a GIS of Place”
- November - Eric Perramond "Unsettled Waters – Reconciling 19th century water law, 20th century infrastructure, and 21st century climate change"
- September - Minette Church "The line is a line drawn upon a map, and the country is a wilderness”: British Honduras, Mexico, and Maya Republics in the 19th Century"
- April - Karen Livesey "Magnets are a Girl's Best Friend"
- February - Chris Nelder and David Murphy "The Energy Transitions Show"
- November - Mark Fonstad "It's a 3D Bonanza! Making Virtual Places from Photographs"
- September - Sharolyn Anderson "Starry Nights: Protecting Night Skies in U.S. National Parks"
- April - G. Carole Woodall "Lesson from Turkey"
- February - Dave Gardner, Filmmaker/Sustainability Advocate "The Most Important Research Ever Ignored"
- November - Ellen Wohl "Messy Rivers are Healthy Rivers: The Role of Physical Complexity in Sustaining Ecosystem Processes"
- September - Jeff Lukas "The whole mountainside is gone": Front Range flood risk in the past, present, and future"
- April - Tae Chong "Innovations in Plastic Surgery-Problem Solving Specialty"
- February - Bruce Jakosky "Exploring the Life and Climate of Mars with the MAVEN Mission"
- November - David Westmoreland "Teaching Science in a Social Minefield"
- September - David Kraus "Gravity's influence on the spectrum of life - from humans to bacteria"
- April - David Havlick "From Death Strip to Green Belt: Landscapes of Change along the Iron Curtain"
- February - Mary Coussons-Read "The Psychoneuroimmunology of Pregnancy: Implications for Birth and Human Development"
- November - JJ Cohen, M.D. "The CU Mini-Med School- a new MOOC"
- February - Brandon Vogt "Colorado's lightning climatology and things you don't want to know about the Region"
- April - Rebecca Laroche "Women, Medicine, and Robert Boyle: The Undiscovered Chemical Heritage"
- September - Jim White "Climate Change, Sustainability and You"
- November - Rebecca Flowers, "Thermochronology evidence for an ancient (~70 Ma) Grand Canyon"
- September - Jessica Metcalf "The Journey of Colorado's Cutthroat Trout"
- April - Mary Ann Cutter, Raphael Sassower, Jeff Scholes "Science and Religion: Friends or Enemies"
- February - Paty Romero-Lankao "Thinking "Urban Futures" in a Changing Climate"
- November - Tom Wynn, Fred Coolidge "The Stone Age Invention of Time"
- September - Leigh Perreault "Type 2 Diabetes- Obesity or Environment"
- April - Chip Benight "How the Internet Can Save your A__!!"
- February - Connie Price "Super Bugs vs Super Drugs: the Ongoing Arms Race Between Bacteria and Humans"
- November - Jerry Phillips "Such a Headache - Is It my Cell Phone (or Just from Worrying About It)?"
- September - Michael Shull "The First Galaxies in the Universe"
- April - Jaelyn Eberle "Climate Changes as Seen in the Tundra"
- February - Janel Owens "Toxins in our Food"
- November - Adit Ginde "Vitamin D: Hyped Up or Home Run for Health?"
- April - Rebecca Laroche "Help in their Own Fields and Gardens: Early Modern Women's Ownership of English Herbals"
- March - Michael Larson, "Development of a Medical Device for Laser Tissue Fusion: an Example of Invention at the MIND Studios"
- February - Jeff Broker "Get a Grip: Measuring Grip Pressures and Forces in Golf to Understand Club Control"
- January - Andy Subudhi "Factors Limiting Exercise at Altitude - Is it all in your Head"?
- November - Chip Benight "The Shattered Self. Is our Humanity our Own Worst Enemy?"
- October - Jim Burkhart "Clouds, Alpha Particles and You: How a Simple Cloud Chamber is Changing Lives"
- August - John Cohen & Helen Macfarlane "Art in Science - Science in Art"
- April - Christi Kasa-Hendrickson "Who May be Literate?: Disability & the Resistance to the Cultural Denial of Competence"
- March - John Harner "Globalizing Guadalajara: Creating Consumers in Urban Mexico"
- February - Tom Pyszczynski "Terror Management Theory and Terrorism: From Experimental Existential Psychology to Working on the Problem of Terrorism"
- November - Radha Pyati "Street Chemistry in New Orleans"
- October - Bob Camley "Can Scientists Be Trusted?"
- September - David Schmidt "Near Space - Where, Why, and What's Feasible? An Engineering Assessment"
- August - Gene Abrams "Produced by Beautiful Minds? Mathematics Research: What it is, What's the Next Big Thing, and Why Should You Care?"
- April - Livia Gilstrap "Child Witnesses: Basic Developmental Science Meets the Courtroom"
- February - Ruth Van Dyke "Landscape, Ideology, and the Construction of Chacoan Society"
- January - Minette Church "No Pyramids Here: Archaeology of A 19th Century Maya Village In Belize, Central America"
- March - Edie Green "The Science (or is it Art) of Choosing a Jury"
- January - Val Veirs "Vocalizations of Killer Whales - No Thumb, Little Vision, Big Brain, Lots of Talking: What Could it Mean?"
- November - General (Ret) Donald Kutyna "The Genius and the General"
- September - Jim Mattoon and Alan Stiles "Fermenting Ideas"
- August - Karen Newell "Parallels between Alice in Wonderland and Paradigms in Immunology"
- July - Jackie Berning "Diet Du Jour - What is this Month's Fad Diet?"
- May - Sam Milazzo "If the Moon, Why not Mars?"
- April - Tom Wynn & Fred Coolidge "A New Solution to the Disappearance of Neanderthals"
- March - J.J. Cohen "Immunization - Why do we still bother? Aren't all those diseases gone? Isn't immunization harmful?"